Long time ago, we have been used on Dolce and Gabbana classic bags, that would definitely last a lifetime, in terms of both the style and the materials used. They may not be as trendy as other designer bags that go with what’s hot, but at least their bags make a worthy investment.
DG Miss New Easy Way handbag is a good example. It is made from grained leather with fine sheen and a contrast topstitching. It is also accented with a brushed copper logo plate at the front, brushed copper hardware, round studs, and contoured seam details at the edges. It also has a flap top with buckle and logo engraved buckle closure, and a snap tab underside for a more secured belongings.
Opening this DG handbag would direct you to medium sized 11.5 x 7.5 x 5 inches bag with interior zipped and cell phone pockets, and an embossed “Miss New Easy Way” on a leather patch. This Dolce and Gabbana bag can be carried through the padded leather top handle with D-ring attachments, or through the buckled shoulder strap with links and clasp attachments.